Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Twitter Discounts and Giveaways Experiment

I have recently expanded my studio space and am in the process of moving and cleaning things. Through this process I am starting to realize that I have a LOT of stuff, old and new, and am in need of some major purging. I need to get rid of the old and outdated, in addition to doing some major cleaning and organizing.

I kinda feel like purging and organizing my space helps me make room for new creative ideas to enter my brain. It's weird to think that by getting rid of some physical items (or by moving them around to make room) I am making space for something mentally to occur, but I can't think too well when my surroundings are cluttered. Clutter makes me feel anxious and stressed out and those two feelings are not good for the creative process.

So here I am, getting ready to expand my studio space and I need to get rid of some things. Now, I can't just throw older artwork away, but I also don't have a use for it AND keeping it around is not doing me any good either. So what I decided to do was use Twitter as a way to move some work. I'm thinking of it as a social media/ networking/ marketing experiment.

I don't really use my twitter account much, except to let people know when I have a new blog post, and I am not really sure what other people use it for, other than celebrities letting people know what they are doing/eating/seeing/etc. Who really cares what I had for dinner or who I am hanging out with, right? Nobody is going to care about that. So, I have decided to see if I could make better use of it and further my art career. What I want to do is have sales and giveaways through my Twitter account. These would be older works (so as to not undermine my galleries) that I would offer up at discounted prices EXCLUSIVELY through Twitter. First person to message me on there, or even through email, would be able to buy the painting listed and I would take care of shipping. I will probably post something every few days and I also will be throwing out the occasional/weekly freebie, drawings or works on paper and such, as an incentive for people to follow me.

I don't know how well this sales tactic will work or if it will increase my visibility and number of followers, but that's why I am calling it an experiment. I want to know how useful Twitter can be for someone like me, which is just the average person trying to make a career through art. Can it help my career? Is it worth the effort of having an account? We'll see soon enough and I'll be sure to update you on the results. In the meantime, follow me on Twitter and see what deals you can get from me!
Follow me at:

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant, Jhina! Can't wait to see how this works for you; I'm certain it'll be a big success! (Note: *I* just followed you on Twitter!!)
